California Extra Food Stamps October 2022 (SNAP Deposit Schedules)

California extra food stamps

Are We Getting Extra Food Stamps In California This Month? (October 2022)

If you rely on food stamps to help make ends meet, you may be wondering if California will issue extra food stamps in October 2022. The good news is the state will be offering the emergency allotment benefits again this month.

This means you will receive your regular Calfresh benefits in addition to the emergency allotment payment in October 2022.

Continue reading this guide to learn more about the deposit dates for the California extra food stamps this month.

What Are Extra Food Stamps?

The extra food stamp program is a government initiative that provides an extra SNAP payment to households who receive food stamps. California’s extra food stamps or emergency allotment benefits are managed and distributed by the California Department of Social Services.

The program was created to help families struggling to get food during the pandemic. Whether someone missed work due to quarantine or lost their job, these additional food stamp benefits are meant to help families facing food insecurity.

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There are no special qualifications to receive extra food stamps. As long as you qualify for Calfresh benefits you can also receive the extra emergency allotment payments that are being issued each month.

Will We Receive Extra SNAP Benefits In California in October 2022?

Yes, California will issue extra food stamps in October 2022 to eligible households. Roughly 2,786,570 SNAP families will qualify for the additional Calfresh benefits this month.

What Day Will I Receive My California Extra Food Stamps This Month?

California will issue the October 2022 emergency allotment payments on November 26th. Remember this is a tentative date. Delays can happen, especially when you are serving nearly 3 million Calfresh households.

If you do not receive your extra SNAP benefits on November 26th, you can get an update on the EBT deposit schedule by either visiting the California Department of Social Services website or by calling the CalFresh Info Line at 877.847.3663.

How Long Will They Continue To Issue Extra Calfresh Benefits?

There is no end date as of right now, however, the benefits will not last forever.

how long will they issue extra food stamps
There will be a 60-day notice when the public health emergency ends. States can then choose to issue extra food stamps for 1 additional month. Essentially once the government decides to stop issuing food stamps you could potentially receive them for 3 more months. Two months at least, but again maybe 3.

The U.S. Health and Human Services Department has stated that they will give states a 60-day notice before the extra food stamp program will end. After that notice ends states will have the opportunity to issue extra food stamps again for one additional month. This means that once the federal government chooses to end the federal public health emergency (PHE) you could potentially receive food stamps for another 3 months.

How To Apply For Food Stamps In California

If you are not currently receiving food stamps benefits you can still apply and get these emergency allotment payments that the state is issuing. You simply need to apply for food stamps or Calfresh benefits.

Get CalFresh website
This is the Get CalFresh website. You can use this website to apply for emergency food stamps in California.

To apply for SNAP benefits in California simply visit the California Department of Social Services website to apply online. You can also visit a local California food stamp office or call the Calfresh Info Line at 877.847.3663 to apply via phone.


California will once again issue extra food stamps in October 2022. If you have received the emergency allotment payments in the past you will likely receive that same amount this month. November 26th is the date that they plan to issue the extra food stamps in California.

If you have questions or still need to apply for Calfresh benefits you can call them at 877.847.3663 or visit the California Department of Social Services website for more information.

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