How To Apply For Medicare In Houston

How To Apply For Medicare In Houston

Do you know Where To Apply For Medicare In Houston? If not read this article to learn more about online, phone and office enrollment options.

When applying for Medicare Part A or B you have the following options:

Applying For Medicare Online

Visit to apply for Medicare Part A and B.

Applying For Medicare by phone

Contact Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY users 1-800-0778), Monday through Friday, from 7 AM to 7 PM to apply for Medicaid by phone.

If you worked at a railroad contact the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) at 1.877.772.5772 (TTY users 1.312.751.4701), Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 3:30 pm to speak with an RRB representative.

Applying For Medicare In Person

Visit a local Social Security Office to apply for Medicare.

Find your local Social Security Office by visiting or simply check out the map of Houston area Social Security offices below.

Where To Apply For Medicare In Houston (MAP)

Tips For Visiting A Social Security Office

Try and avoid a walk-in visit

Showing up as a walk-in to a Social Security Office will likely be an all day wait.

Call for an appointment

Contact Social Security at 800.772.1213 between 7 am and 7 pm, Monday through Friday.

Call early

Call Social Security to have your questions answered or set up an appointment as early as possible.

Bring proper documentation

While speaking with a Social Security representative ask which documents are needed?  Failing to bring the proper documents could lead to a return trip to the Social Security Office. Typical documents requested include a birth certificate, US passport, Social Security Card etc.

Write your questions down

Social Security workers see lots of clients so be sure to write any questions down to make your visit as smooth as possible and your questions are answered.

Get there early

If you simply can’t make an appointment try arriving as early as possible (before 9 am).

Bring something to read

Again, visits to Social Security can be an all day wait so bring a book, headphones, newspaper or anything to keep you entertained during your wait.

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