Why Are Eggs $8 In Houston?! (And Ways To Save On Eggs)


Why Are Eggs $8 In Houston?!! (And Ways To Save On Eggs)

Have you ever wondered why eggs cost so much in Houston?

If you’ve paid $8 for a dozen eggs, then you know that feeling of frustration and disbelief. But don’t worry—we’re here to explain the high cost of eggs in Houston and provide potential solutions.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the various factors contributing to the price increase and explain ways to save money on eggs.

Average Cost Of Eggs In Houston

The cost of eggs in Houston has been on the rise in recent years. A quick survey of major grocery stores in the area shows that the average cost of a dozen large eggs ranges from $3.79 at Kroger to $5.27 at Walmart. For larger cartons of 18 eggs, the prices can range from $5.69 at Kroger to $7.78 at Walmart.

These prices reflect the current market conditions in Houston, where supply and demand, as well as other factors such as avian influenza and weather conditions, have caused a strain on egg prices. However, it’s worth noting that the prices for eggs can vary depending on the store and location, so it’s always a good idea to check prices at different stores in the area.

Factors Contributing to High Egg Prices

Are you familiar with the buzz around egg prices lately, especially those of us who are avid grocery shoppers and Tik Tok users? Eggs were once a budget-friendly staple food but have now drastically increased in price. Have you been wondering why this is happening? Let’s explore some reasons behind this sudden surge in cost.

Avian influenza

Avian influenza, also known as bird flu, is a highly contagious virus that can infect chickens and other birds. Outbreaks of avian influenza can lead to significant losses for egg producers, as the virus can spread rapidly and lead to the culling of large numbers of birds.

Last year, Texas faced the deadliest outbreak of avian influenza in history, which killed about 60 million birds, including 43 million egg-laying hens. This led to a shortage of eggs and a corresponding increase in prices.

Drought and extreme weather

Drought and extreme weather conditions can also affect the cost of eggs.

$8 eggs
Extreme drought and keeping chickens cool during the summer also lead to an increase on the price of eggs.

When temperatures soar, chickens require additional resources to stay cool, such as additional water and electricity for fans and air-conditioning. These increased costs can be passed on to consumers in the form of higher egg prices. Additionally, drought can lead to a shortage of feed, which can also drive up prices.

Supply and demand

Like any other commodity, the cost of eggs is also determined by supply and demand.

When demand is high and supply is low, prices will rise. Recently, the demand for eggs has been on the rise, particularly in the US, Europe, and Asia, due to the increased use of eggs in food service and food manufacturing, as well as the growing popularity of high-protein diets.

6 Ways To Save Money On Eggs

For many people in the Houston area, eggs have become an expensive item.

With some cartons selling for as much as $8, it can be difficult to fit them into a budget. However, there are ways to save money on eggs and still enjoy this versatile food staple.

Here are three tips to help you get the most out of your egg purchases and keep more money in your pocket.

1.) Consider Ugly Food Movement As A Way To Save On Eggs

One way to save money on eggs is to buy them from online retailers that specialize in “ugly” or “imperfect” produce.

Websites like Misfits Market and Imperfect Foods offer discounted prices on products that may not meet the strict cosmetic standards of traditional grocery stores.

Misfits Market and similar websites allow customers to purchase eggs in bulk at a lower cost than traditional grocery stores. These eggs may be slightly smaller or have slight imperfections, but they are still safe to eat and taste the same as perfect eggs.

2.) Buying In Bulk

Buying eggs in bulk can be a great way to save money. Eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five weeks, so buying a larger quantity can be a cost-effective option. To store eggs, keep them in their original carton and place them in the coldest part of the refrigerator, which is usually the back.

You can get bulk eggs from a place like Costco or Sam’s Club. But you can also find them at local grocery stores if you look around.

3.) Purchasing from Local Farmers

Another way to save on eggs is to purchase them from local farmers.

Not only will you be supporting your local community, but you’ll also be getting fresher eggs at a lower cost. Local farmers’ markets and co-ops are good places to find eggs from small-scale producers.

In Houston, you can find some of the freshest eggs at a fraction of the price from local farmer’s markets! You have plenty to choose from—try out East End Farmers Market, Urban Harvest or Houston Farmer’s Market.

Need more options?

Check out this useful guide on 14 Farmers Markets for Fresh Fall Produce and More in Houstonia Mag!

4.) Utilizing Egg Substitutes

Egg substitutes can also be a cost-saving measure. There are various egg substitutes available in the market, such as egg replacer powder, aquafaba, and flaxseeds which can be used as a cost-saving measure.

Egg Replacer

For example, egg replacer powder can typically be found at a cost of around $5 for a 16 oz container, which can replace up to 48 eggs.


Aquafaba is an egg substitute that can be used by vegans or anyone looking to avoid $8 eggs. It is a liquid, usually from canned beans or chickpeas. This liquid can be used in place of eggs in recipes to make food without using animal products.

Flax Egg

Flaxseed can be used to make something called a Flax Egg. This is an egg substitute that can help you save money if you cannot afford expensive eggs. This Minimalist Baker article will provide you with instructions on how to make Flax Egg as well as the ingredients needed.

By using these substitutes, you can save money on eggs while still getting the desired results in their cooking and baking.

5.) Apply For Texas Food Stamps

If you have low income, you may qualify for food stamps to help pay for eggs. This way, you will have enough money to buy them.

You can use the Texas Food Stamp Calculator to learn if you might qualify for SNAP benefits. If so simply call 877.541.7905 or visit Your Texas Beneifits to apply for benefits.

6.) Apply For WIC

If you have a child under 5 years old and you are low-income , you may qualify for the WIC Program. This program provides families with a WIC card to buy eggs each month, in addition to nutrition education, supplemental foods, breastfeeding support, and referrals to health care.

You can call 800.942.3678 or visit WIC Texas to find out if you qualify for WIC benefits.


Eggs are $8 for a number of reasons. The high cost of eggs in Texas can be attributed to a number of factors, including avian influenza, extreme weather conditions, and supply and demand. Simply knowing these things doesn’t make it any easier to pay these expensive prices. Especially if you have kids to feed!

However, there are ways for consumers to save on eggs, such as getting a Sam’s card and buying in bulk, considering the ugly food movement, purchasing from the Houston Farmer’s Market, and utilizing egg substitutes.

While I can’t do anything about the expensive cost of eggs at Walmart, I can help you understand how to apply for government assistance programs like WIC or SNAP benefits to help you.

I’ve worked in community health clinics here in Houston for just over a decade, so I know the ends and outs of programs like this. If you have questions about any of those programs or need help finding local food pantries let me know, I’m happy to help! 

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