What Are The Food Stamp Work Requirements?

food stamp work requirements

What Are The Food Stamp Work Requirements?

In this community resource guide, I will answer the question of “what are the food stamp work requirements“?

Many people believe that food stamps are only available to households with children, however, this is not the case. While it is easier to get food stamps if you have children, able-bodied adults without children can also qualify for food stamps.

If you are an adult with a low income and no children and interested in applying for food stamps continue reading to learn about the SNAP work requirements needed to qualify.

Each State Has Different Work Requirements For The Food Stamps Program

While food stamps is offered in each state, they also have their own qualifications and requirements. This is also true in the case of work requirements. Each state will have different Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program work requirements.

How To Contact Your State’s Food Stamp Department?

This article will outline general work requirements for the SNAP program, but you may learn about your state’s specific criteria by contacting your state’s health and human services department. You can contact the SNAP hotline at 800.221.5689 to be connected to your state’s food stamp department.

What Are The General SNAP Work Requirements?

These are the general work requirements for the food stamp program:

Food Stamp Work Requirement Description
Apply For Work. You must be working or at least attempting to find work if you have no dependents.
You Cannot Quit Your Job. In addition to not voluntarily quitting your current job, you cannot reduce your work hours.
Accept Job Offers. If you are offered a job you must accept it to remain eligible for this food assistance benefits program if you have no dependents.
Attend Job Training. If your state offers job training you must attend the program. The SNAP program offers training to help food stamp recipients gain skills that they can use toward starting a new career and establishing self-sufficiency.

If you do not have children, failing to satisfy these requirements could disqualify you from receiving SNAP benefits.

There are also ABAWD work requirements for individuals who can work. Those requirements will be explained in a section below.

Are There Exemptions From The General Food Stamp Work Requirements?

Yes, there are exemptions. If you fit any of these scenarios, then the SNAP program may waive the work requirements for you:

  • You already work 30 hours per week.
  • Unable to work due to a physical or mental health disability.
  • Currently satisfying work rules for another government assistance program like unemployment or TANF/welfare.
  • You are either caring for a child under 6 years old or someone who is incapacitated.
  • Currently in an alcohol or drug treatment program.
  • You are in school or a training program

Do I Need Children To Receive Food Stamps?

No, you do not need to have children to qualify for food stamps. You will however need to satisfy work requirements if you are 18 to 49 and able bodied.

What Is ABAWD And What Are The ABAWD Work Requirements?

The food stamps program has a term called Able Bodied Adult Without Dependents (ABAWD) that is used to describe SNAP recipients who do not have children.

For individuals who can work and have no children, these are the ABAWD work requirements to qualify for food stamps:

ABAWD Work Requirements Description
Work 80 hours a month. Work can be for money, goods, or services (for something other than money), or it may be done as a volunteer.
Attend 80 hours a month of employment training. Another option is to use a work program like SNAP Employment and Training, which is offered by the USDA or another federal, state, or local government agency.
Work And Attend Training
  • Participate in a minimum of 80 hours of work and job training each month.

Who Is Exempt From Food Stamp Work Requirements? (ABAWD Waivers)

SNAP work requirements are waived for the following individuals:

  • Those who cannot work as a result of a physical or mental disability.
  • Pregnant women are exempt from food stamp work requirements.
  • If you have a child 18 and under living in your SNAP household.

Can A Single Person Get Food Stamps?

Yes, single adults can receive food stamps. If you are a single adult with no children, you will however need to need to satisfy the work rules for the food stamp benefits program in your state. In general, the work requirement is a monthly quota of hours worked or trained. Typically you must work or train for 80 hours to be eligible for food stamps if you are a single adult.

How Long Can I Receive Food Stamps If I’m Unemployed?

You can only receive food stamps for 3 months, every 3 years if you are unemployed and considered an able bodied adult without dependents.

If you are a single adult, with no children who is capable of working, you will need to work or attend job training at least 80 hours a month to receive food stamps for longer than the 3 months/3 years timeframe.


If you do not have children, you may still qualify for SNAP benefits. General food stamp work requirements include:

  • Applying for work.
  • Not quitting your current job.
  • Accept a job if offered to you.
  • Attend any job training program assigned by the food stamp program.

If you have no children, are between 18 and 49 years old, and can work, you can potentially qualify for SNAP benefits. SNAP considers individuals with no children who are capable of working as able bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD).

Individuals who are exempt from SNAP work rules include senior citizens, those who are pregnant, and those with disabilities.

To learn more about SNAP work requirements you are encouraged to contact your state’s food stamp program. You can do so by calling the SNAP hotline at 800.221.5689.

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