How The Texas Food Stamp Application For Seniors Works
In this resource guide, I will share information about how the Texas food stamps application for senior citizens works. This easy application can also be used by individuals with disabilities.
Completing a Texas SNAP application is a tough task. I’ve worked in community health for over 12 years and I still have trouble! It’s even more difficult for people who have limited experience with government assistance to complete a food stamp application. It gets even harder if you have a disability or you are not comfortable completing online applications.
The Texas Health and Human Services Department recognized these problems and stepped in with a solution that reduces the food stamp application to just a few pages!
If you are a senior citizen or have a disability, continue reading because this simplified Texas food stamp application was created to make it easier for you to apply for food assistance.
What Is The Texas Simplified Application Project (TSAP)?
This is a state initiative that was created to make it easier for senior citizens (60 and older) and those with disabilities to apply for food stamps in Texas. They’ve made the process easier by creating a simplified Texas food stamp application.
How TSAP Makes It Easier For Seniors To Apply For Food Stamps In Texas
The Texas Simplified Application Project helps Texas senior citizens and those with disabilities in three ways:
- The Texas SNAP application has been reduced to just a few pages.
- Senior citizens and those with disabilities will have to recertify every 3 years. In the past, they had to recertify every 6 months.
- Lastly, if you are eligible do not have to do an interview when it is time to renew your Texas food stamp benefits.
Is This Related To The Elderly Simplified Application Project?
Yes, it is related.
The Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) is a national initiative that was created to make it easier for elderly low-income citizens to access the food stamp program.
The TSAP is the Texas version of this national initiative to provide senior citizens with easy access to the SNAP program.
Eligibility For The Senior Citizen Texas Food Stamp Application
Here are the requirements for the Texas simplified food stamp application:
- The people in your household are either 60 years and older, receive a disability check, or are both 60+ and have a disability.
- Those in your household do not work. This means they have no income from a normal job.
- Those in your household do not receive the SNAP-Combined Application Project benefits.
Editor’s Note: The term “household” includes those people who live with you and you share food with.
How To Apply For Food Stamps In Texas If You Are A Senior Citizen
If you are either 60 years and older or you have a disability, you can apply for food stamps in the following ways:
- Download a simplified Texas food stamp application and mail it to Texas Health and Human Services.
- Visit a local Texas food stamp office to get a food stamp application for senior citizens.
- Call 211 and request that they mail you a senior citizen Texas SNAP application.
- Visit Your Texas Benefits and mail the application to yourself. This video will walk you through the process of mailing an application to your home.
If you already receive food stamps, then Texas Health and Human Services will determine if you qualify for TSAP when it is time to renew your SNAP benefits.
Download A Texas Food Stamp Application For Senior Citizens
You can download the Texas Simplified Application Project form in English or Spanish.
What Does The Simplified Texas Food Stamp Application Look Like?
Here is an image of the first page of the Texas Simplified Application Project food stamp application.

What Is The Difference Between The Regular Texas Food Stamp Application and The TSAP?
Not only is the regular Texas SNAP application longer, but you can also apply for 3 additional programs; Medicaid, CHIP, TANF. If you are only interested in applying for food stamps it can be hard to understand which questions you should and should not answer.
The TSAP application is easier because the questions on it only pertain to applying for food stamps in Texas.
The TSAP (Texas Simplified Application Project) will make it easier than ever before for seniors and those with disabilities to apply for SNAP benefits in Texas.
Another added benefit of this program is those who are eligible only have to recertify every 3 years instead of 6 months.
To learn more about the Texas food stamp application for senior citizens you can visit the Texas Health and Human Services website or call them at 877.541.7905.
Similar Articles That May Interest You:
- What Is the Income Limit For Food Stamps In Texas?
- How Much Money Can You Receive In Texas Food Stamps?
- Emergency Food Stamps: How To Qualify For SNAP Benefits In Less Than 24 Hours
- How To Find A Texas Food Stamp Office Near You
- Texas Food Stamp Calculator: A Tool To Help You Determine If You Will Qualify For SNAP Beneifts
Nick Bryant is the author of Understanding Healthcare Is Half The Battle and a Senior Counselor with 13+ years of experience working in community health and mental health. He enjoys spending time with his family, watching WWE on Friday nights, and working toward a Google Data Analytics certification. If you have additional questions about community resources or government assistance programs, simply leave a comment below and he will follow up as soon as possible.
Thanks Nick for thinking about us senior citizens
No problem Ms. Linda! Let me know if you have more questions happy to help.
food stamps No moy June 2022
Hi Alise, call the Texas snap customer service number at 800-777-7328 if you did not receive your food stamps. They should be able to help you out.
Hi Kathy! If you havent heard anything from the application you mailed in April 2022, you may need to complete another. It takes no more that 30 days to at least get a ruling if you qualify for food stamps. Have you called Texas Health and Human Services (877.541.7905)? They can provide you with a status update and let you know what documents are missing (if any).
I’m a disabled mother of three minor children who used to receive SNAP before TSAP was implemented. I’m confused now about which program to apply for. I’m not a senior, 100% disabled so my SSDI monthly payment and my children’s RSDI payment(s), and one of their child support payments are the only form of “income” that our household receives. So, technically I believe that our household is eligible, but I’m not entirely clear on the rules regarding minor children and child support income. Would I be penalized if I apply for both?
Hi Mary, both programs get you the same amount of food stamps so you can’t go wrong with either. The TSAP program just has a shorter application than the regular SNAP application. From my understanding if you have a disability you can use that TSAP application also. Its for seniors 60+ and individuals with disabilities.
Now you still need to meet income guidelines based on your household size. Regarding income they consider employment, SSI, SSDI, child support, etc when determining eligibility. I will say when you apply list every single deduction you can. They take your household income (gross income) and then subtract your deductions to get your net income. Deductions are things like utility bills, cost of medications, toiletries, childcare costs, etc. The application will ask you for all these things and make sure you list every expense you have. The more your deductions, the lower your net income.
There is a Texas Food Stamp Calculator that you can use to plug in numbers to see if your families monthly income and household size will qualify you for SNAP.
Regarding the question about what income is counted, consider calling Texas Health and Human Services at 877.541.7905 to verify, but I think they count all those incomes you named.
Let me know if you have more questions, happy to help!