How To Find A Texas Food Stamp Office Near You
In this resource guide, I will show you how to find a Texas food stamp office near you.
Food stamps or SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is a state-administered program that helps low-income families afford the cost of meals via monthly vouchers that can be used at grocery stores.
Continue reading to learn about the website you can use to find food stamp offices in Texas that are close to you.
1.) Visit Your Texas Benefits
First, you will need to visit the Your Texas Benefits website. This website is managed by the Texas Health and Human Services department.
Editor’s Note: You can also apply for state benefits like Medicaid, CHIP health insurance, and WIC by visiting the Your Texas Benefits website.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and search for the link that reads “Find an office”. Click this link and you will be taken to a page that you can enter the details like the city or zip code that you need to find a Texas food stamp office near.
2.) Enter Details For Texas Food Stamp Offices Near You
From this page, you have the option of searching for a Texas food stamp office near you via:
- Zip code
- County
- City

In the Search For option choose “Benefits offices” only. Do not check the box that says “Community partner offices”.
Editor’s Note: In my opinion, the benefits offices provide you with more qualified workers to help you apply for food stamps. These are Texas Health and Human Services workers who likely process food stamp applications every day. Compare this with community partner offices who may process only a few food stamp applications each week if they get that many.
The benefits offices options shows you only Texas Health and Human Services offices. These are the official offices that can certify you for food stamps. The community partner offices are non-Texas Health and Human Services offices that have been trained to help you apply for food stamps.
Under the Benefit program dropdown, you can select SNAP food benefits.
3.) Use The Map To Find Food Stamp Offices In Your Area
After you have entered the zip, county, or city of the Texas food stamp offices you are searching for the page will look similar to this picture below.

You can find a Texas food stamp office near you by either using the map or using the listing of Texas Health and Human Services offices that the Your Texas Benefits website provides you.
To find a Texas food stamp office to apply for SNAP benefits you can use the tool found on the Your Texas Benefits website.
To find a food stamp office near you, start by:
- Scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the Find an office link
- Enter the details (zip, county, city) of the area you want to find a Texas food stamp office
- Use either the map or listing to locate a Texas Health and Human Services office
For more information about applying for food stamps in Texas, you can call Texas Health and Human Services at 877-541-7905 or visit the Your Texas Benefits website.
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Nick Bryant is the author of Understanding Healthcare Is Half The Battle and a Senior Counselor with 13+ years of experience working in community health and mental health. He enjoys spending time with his family, watching WWE on Friday nights, and working toward a Google Data Analytics certification. If you have additional questions about community resources or government assistance programs, simply leave a comment below and he will follow up as soon as possible.
My name is Norm Sturm and I live in Central Washington State. I have a girlfriend who has waited to long to get some help with food stamps and needs them asap!
Her name is Jenny Brian.
Could I get someone to help her ASAP please!
Hi Norm, here are two helpful numbers when applying for food stamps, if she needs to check the status of her food stamps she can call 877-541-7905. This number is the number that you call for someone who does not already have Texas food stamps. If she does have food stamp benefits and she has a problem with her card she can call 800-777-7328. I will say wait times can be long on the phone so if she is close to a food stamp office she may get an answer quicker and more detailed information by simply visiting the office. If she were denied food stamp benefits then she can consider using a website like feeding America and this website will show her the food pantries that are in our area. All she needs to do is type the zip code and she will see the food bank in that city that offers food assistance.