In this guide, you will learn what the Texas Medicaid phone number is.
If you are interested in applying for Medicaid or you already have the coverage you can use this number to ask specific questions about the health coverage.
Continue reading to not only learn what the Medicaid telephone number is in Texas but also what questions they can help you with by calling.
What Is Texas Medicaid?
This is a health insurance coverage in the state of Texas for households who have a low income. The people who typically qualify for Medicaid include pregnant women, children, people with disabilities, and senior citizens.
The number is 877.541.7905. You can dial this number to speak with someone who works with Texas Medicaid member services. It should also be noted that you can also dial 211to get connected to a Medicaid worker.
If you do not have Medicaid, but have questions about coverage you can dial their helpline number at 800.335.8957.
What Is The Texas Health And Human Services Phone Number?
You can reach Texas Health and Human Services by dialing 877.541.7905 or 211.
These are the same numbers that you would use to speak to someone about Medicaid services, food stamps, or the WIC program. Texas Health and Human Services is the department that manages the Medicaid program, so any questions about this health coverage will be answered by them.
What Are The Texas Medicaid Phone Number Hours?
The hours of operation are 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can dial 211or 877.541.7905anytime.
Your specific Medicaid insurance company (Aetna, Molina, United Healthcare, etc) will typically be open during normal business hours from 8 am to 5 pm.
Specific Questions That Medicaid Can Answer
When you call the Medicaid phone number at 877.541.7905 they can help you with some of the following questions:
If you have specific questions about your Medicaid insurance benefits, you are encouraged to call the company that issued your Medicaid card. On the back of your Medicaid insurance care, you will see a member service number that you can call.
While you do have Medicaid health insurance, your plan is likely managed by a private insurance company. Examples of Medicaid managed care insurance companies are:
To speak to someone at a Texas Medicaid office near you, you’ll need to find their phone number by using a Google search or visiting the Your Texas Benefits website.
When visiting Your Texas Benefits, you’ll need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the link that reads “Find an office”.
At this point, you will search for a Medicaid office near you, by using your zip code, county, or city.
Editor’s Note: Only select the “Benefits office” check box. You do not want the “community partner offices” box checked because those are not official Medicaid offices.
Be sure to uncheck the “community partner offices” box. You only need a list of “Benefits offices”.
The final step is simply locating the Medicaid office nearest you. You can find that office by either using the map or listing. Either option will provide you with a phone number that you can use to contact your local Medicaid office.
If you need to reach someone with Medicaid you will need to contact the Texas Health and Human Services Department. They manage the Medicaid program and you can speak to an operator by dialing877.541.7905 or 211.
If you need questions answered about your specific Medicaid health insurance plan, it’s best to call your managed care company. The private insurance company (Amerigroup, Aetna, Molina, etc) that manages your specific Medicaid coverage can be found on your insurance card.
Finally, if you do not have Medicaid, but have questions, there is a Medicaid helpline that you can call at 800.335.8957 to have questions answered.
Nick Bryant is the author of Understanding Healthcare Is Half The Battle and a Senior Counselor with 13+ years of experience working in community health and mental health. He enjoys spending time with his family, watching WWE on Friday nights, and working toward a Google Data Analytics certification. If you have additional questions about community resources or government assistance programs, simply leave a comment below and he will follow up as soon as possible.